Ep 7, Season 1 – TROMPE L’OEIL – Westworld with Ben and Wade

Ben and Wade assess how their fan theories hold up to the huge revelations that unfolded in TROMPE L’OEIL, Episode 7 of Season 1 in HBO’s TV series, WESTWORLD.

In particular, we chat about:

  • The legacy of bad acting in BASIC INSTINCT 2.
  • Where have been right, and wrong, with our predictions?
  • Dr Ford as the Old Testament God vs Arnold as the New Testament God.
  • How Anthony Hopkins elevates WESTWORLD.
  • WESTWORLD logo changes.
  • How the motivations of William and The Man in Black look more similar than ever.
  • Who is in the photo with Dr Ford?
Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) and Theresa (Sidse Babett Knudsen)
Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) and Theresa (Sidse Babett Knudsen)



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If you’re a filmmaker, cinephile or TV junkie, you might like my other podcast, BREAKING IN WITH BEN PHELPS. It’s a podcast about what happens when a filmmaker who’s never made a feature film, makes one. Featuring interviews with me and established filmmakers. Check it out!


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