11 – Zombies of Wyrmwood with Kiah Roache-Turner

Screenwriter/Director Kiah Roache-Turner
Screenwriter/Director Kiah Roache-Turner

Screenwriter/Director, Kiah Roache-Turner, joins me in Episode 11 to discuss his debut feature film, WYRMWOOD: ROAD OF THE DEAD. It’s a zombie movie with a difference. Think MAD MAX meets DAWN OF THE DEAD!

In particular, we chat about:

  • Learning how to be a filmmaker while shooting swimwear commercials for aussieBum
  • Finding a loyal crew in the workplace instead of at film school
  • The influences of MAD MAX on WYRMWOOD
  • The inspiration of Peter Jackson, James Cameron and the directors of the 1970s
  • Rewriting during a multi-year shoot
  • Finding the humour after test screening a work-in-progress cut
  • Becoming a better writer after seeing your words made into film
  • The importance of finishing your film



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