12 – The Legend of Ben Hall with Director Matthew Holmes

Director Matthew Holmes
Director Matthew Holmes

Writer/Director/Producer Matthew Holmes joins me in Episode 12 to discuss his feature film, THE LEGEND OF BEN HALL. It’s a microbudget biography about an Australian anti-hero who’s as mythical as American outlaw, Jesse James. Working within the Western genre, Matthew’s film promises to be a unique portrayal of an infamous bushranger.

In particular, we chat about:

  • Making a start in animation instead of film school.
  • How to define ‘breaking into’ the film industry.
  • Making sacrifices to become a filmmaker.
  • The mythology of bushrangers, the Australian version of American outlaw cowboys.
  • The challenge of condensing a character’s lifetime into 2 hours.
  • Writing while working full-time.
  • Remaining faithful to real events.
  • How a kickass Kickstarter campaign transformed a 10 min short film into a 45 min short film.
  • How a short film version evolved into a feature.


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